2012년 4월 26일 목요일

The Role of Education in 1960s Movements for Equality

Origin: Boqart, Rachel. "The Role of Education in 1960s Movements for Equality." Yahoo! Contributor Network. 15 Oct. 2011. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://voices.yahoo.com/the-role-education-1960s-movements-10176905.html>.
Summary:  In 1957, the Betty Friden did the survey in the Smith College. She realized that many of women were unhappy with their lives as housewives, so she started to do research and publish 'The Feminine Mystique' in 1963. In her book, she said women were oppressed in the society and their house because they have social expectation which mean women have role as wife and mother. She said women were limited in only wife and mother because women's education was limited; more and more women were attending to the college but after the college, they are just become mothers and housewives. Then, she realized that high education was strongly influencing women towards the role of housewives instead of pushing them to create intelligence in different fields. She concluded that education is the key of liberation because from equality in education, women can be also equal in the house and society.

Value: This source is valuable because it is base on the book that publish in 1963 that argued about the importance of education in 1960's feminist movements. It used direct quote from the book, so it makes more valuable. This resource is only focus on the role of education during the feminist movements, and how it can change the women's right in the society. Therefore, this resource would help me to figure out how education was important during the feminist movement

Limitation: because this source is not the primary resource, there is the lots of limitation that cause by bias. This resource only focus on the book publish in 1963, and made lots of argument base on author's thought. Therefore, it can have more  or different reasons of the role of education in feminist movement. Also, there are no mention about how it change after the feminist movement, so it is hard to conclude the success of education.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
It shows how the education was important and why women were getting unfair in the society. It said women could get freedom by the equal in education.  However in the resource it said " In 1970 less than 10 percent of women held professional jobs despite the large number of college educated women and in the following year president Nixon vetoed legislation that would provide women with access to national day-care, which would have aided women pursuing education" ( Boqart). Also by the Title IX of the education amendments women got the same rights as men. Therefore, we could said the education was the most important factor in the feminist movement, and by the equal in education after the feminist movement, women could get the same rights as in the society by the professional jobs with high education. So feminist movement was sucess.

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