Origin: Hall, Sheri. "Cornell Chronicle: College Celebrates 40 Years as Human Ecology." Cornell Chronicle Online. Cornell University, 1960. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.<http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/April09/HumEc.name.sh.html>.
Summary: This is the picture of the college in 1960s. They are doing kinds of school meeting in the school, and we can see the lots of women than men. They are the faculty, member or the student of the college.
Value: This source is very valuable because this photo taken at the period that feminist movement had occurred which called by the primary resource. This photo can be the evidence that the education for the women become increased as men. Most of women could be the member of the college and join to the meeting because they got high education as men and can communicate about the hard problems with men.
Limitation: because this is the just one piece of the picture, there are some limitation to show how other places look like. Photographer could take the picture the school that had lots of women members compare to other school. Therefore, we could not confirm that the women got fair education in every places such as high school and social just from the picture that took in one college.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
When we just see this picture, the feminist movement was very success for women's education. Before the feminist movement, women only could stay in their house, and can not get the education as men. However, more than half of the school faculty members are women in this pictures, this mean they could become the faculty members of the college because they got high education as women, and they have high knowledge to teach other people. Therefore, women could get high education as men, and can same social levels as men in the society from the feminist movement.
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