Summary: In 1980, women attending college became equal numbers to men. In the past, people think that women could have right to learn education like in society. Only few lucky women could take education, but their educations were awful. However, the 9 of the education Amendment of 1972 states that " No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" (nwhm) Thinks Amendment prohibit the sex discrimination in the school and other educational system. Before this amendment women were not allowed to take certain courses or programs. Also in some cases they were not allowed to go same class with men. After the 9th Amendment, the rates of high school graduates of women became equal with women.
Valuable: The quote of IX of the education Amendment of 1972 made this resource very strong and valuable because this Amendment was the main event that gave freedom and equal educations. The statics also made this resource valuable. For example it said after the IX amendment the women made up 51% of college students which was higher than rates of men. Numbers and the quote from the Constitution made this resource valuable.
Limitation: This resource is secondary resource but based on the fact. There were no special opinion of author in this text. However, this resource also has few limitations. This resource only investigate the surface of the education during and after the feminist movements. This means that this resource is based on the statics that showed the rates of women's education, but did not show how they study inside of the school, and did not investigate any different between the men and women inside of the schools. Increased of rate of women in college is not means that women got equality as men in the schools. The most important factor that showed the equal between the men and women is the status of women's education inside of the class or schools.
How does it show either an achievement or failure of the feminist movement?
This resource shows that the feminist movement was success for the women's education. Because of the 9th of the education Amendment. Women didn't get discrimination by the sex in the schools. Therefore, they could graduate high schools and attended to the colleges. 51% percent of the colleges were women, and this shows how the status of women were increased in the education systems. However, we can't determine taht the feminist movement for education was success because this resource shows the statics and out views of the women education, but it is not shows that environment and segregation of the women's education at inside of the schools like the first resource that I post in the blog. To determine that the feminist movement for education was achievement or failure, I think i need more resources shows the changes of educations before the feminist movement and after feminist movement.
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