Was feminist movement success?
Feminist movement in 1960s was very success. Feminist could get the same right and opportunity in society as men. Especially, feminist got lots of fair rights in educations. The change of women's education gave huge affect to the feminist movement to get the same rights as men.
Before the feminist movement, by the 'The Feminine Mystique', the one role that women could get was the wife and mother. In the school, women's education was very limited and they were lots of bias that oppressed women to think the role of women were only wife and mother.
After 9th of the education Amendment of 1972 which states the freedom for the women in education systems. Women could take any hard courses in high school as men and play any sport that they want to play. Also, after the amendment, lots of men college and military school started to accepted women. Therefore, women could get jobs that they want even they were very high jobs such as lawyers, professor and doctors. Before the feminist movement, only men could get the those jobs, but after the women could get same jobs as men, they could stand next to men in the society. My forth post that shows lots of faculty members in college shows how women's role increased in the society after the feminist movement.
Women started to join the society with men and they could it because of high educations. Education was the very main key of the liberation for the women. Women could not have same rights as men because they did not show that they can do anything as men. In the school, they just did little study only for the women and mother and their education was very limited in school. The success with the high education and subject in school, they could show that they could study like men. Also, after the college and get the high class jobs, they could prove that they also can do important jobs that contribute to our society. From those prove with education in society, women could get the same economic and politics in the society. The feminist movement spread to the world such as Argentina, and some countries were succeed the movement much earlier than United State. Today, all women in the world can do everything in school as men, they can take same courses with men and play same sports with men. Also, today women shows better academic ability and leadership in schools. Therefore, because of the education changed, the feminist movement in 1960s in other different way was also success.
Feminest Movement ( Women's education)
2012년 4월 30일 월요일
2012년 4월 26일 목요일
1960's feminist movement
Origin: "America in the 1960s : The Womenâs Movement." America in the 1960s : The Womenâs Movement. Photographic Book. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://www.voyagesphotosmanu.com/omen_movement_america.html>.
Summary: Women got the huge advantage in education and employment after the feminist movements. Editor scoured high school textbooks to remove every sexist elements that suppressed women in the society. Also the because of the higher education act, government prohibits any discrimination on the sex in any educational program receiving federal funds and athletic programs. Also before the feminist movement there were lots of all-male colleges and military academies that did not accept women, but after the feminist movement they started to accept women students.
Value: This resource has the information with the primary photographs that took in the college during 1960s. Therefore, I can believe the argument of this resource with the photo graph. It has lots of support idea like very detail example. Therefore, this resource is valuable.
Limitation: This source would be better resource if it had direct quote from the primary resource, even it had the primary photo, it does not explain a lot about the photographs. To be the better resource, it need more detail explanation with the strong support evidence such as quotes.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
Feminist movement was very success in educational because before the feminist movement women could go to the military or male school, but after the movement they can go to most of the college that they wanted. Also by remove all to text book that has sexist element that suppressed the women in the society, women can be more free in the society. They got same education program including the athletic. Based on the high education as men, women could get the professional jobs, Women could have the other same rights as men, because they prove that women also can do study and do professional jobs in the society.
Summary: Women got the huge advantage in education and employment after the feminist movements. Editor scoured high school textbooks to remove every sexist elements that suppressed women in the society. Also the because of the higher education act, government prohibits any discrimination on the sex in any educational program receiving federal funds and athletic programs. Also before the feminist movement there were lots of all-male colleges and military academies that did not accept women, but after the feminist movement they started to accept women students.
Value: This resource has the information with the primary photographs that took in the college during 1960s. Therefore, I can believe the argument of this resource with the photo graph. It has lots of support idea like very detail example. Therefore, this resource is valuable.
Limitation: This source would be better resource if it had direct quote from the primary resource, even it had the primary photo, it does not explain a lot about the photographs. To be the better resource, it need more detail explanation with the strong support evidence such as quotes.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
Feminist movement was very success in educational because before the feminist movement women could go to the military or male school, but after the movement they can go to most of the college that they wanted. Also by remove all to text book that has sexist element that suppressed the women in the society, women can be more free in the society. They got same education program including the athletic. Based on the high education as men, women could get the professional jobs, Women could have the other same rights as men, because they prove that women also can do study and do professional jobs in the society.
The Role of Education in 1960s Movements for Equality
Origin: Boqart, Rachel. "The Role of Education in 1960s Movements for Equality." Yahoo! Contributor Network. 15 Oct. 2011. Web. 26 Apr. 2012. <http://voices.yahoo.com/the-role-education-1960s-movements-10176905.html>.
Summary: In 1957, the Betty Friden did the survey in the Smith College. She realized that many of women were unhappy with their lives as housewives, so she started to do research and publish 'The Feminine Mystique' in 1963. In her book, she said women were oppressed in the society and their house because they have social expectation which mean women have role as wife and mother. She said women were limited in only wife and mother because women's education was limited; more and more women were attending to the college but after the college, they are just become mothers and housewives. Then, she realized that high education was strongly influencing women towards the role of housewives instead of pushing them to create intelligence in different fields. She concluded that education is the key of liberation because from equality in education, women can be also equal in the house and society.
Value: This source is valuable because it is base on the book that publish in 1963 that argued about the importance of education in 1960's feminist movements. It used direct quote from the book, so it makes more valuable. This resource is only focus on the role of education during the feminist movements, and how it can change the women's right in the society. Therefore, this resource would help me to figure out how education was important during the feminist movement
Limitation: because this source is not the primary resource, there is the lots of limitation that cause by bias. This resource only focus on the book publish in 1963, and made lots of argument base on author's thought. Therefore, it can have more or different reasons of the role of education in feminist movement. Also, there are no mention about how it change after the feminist movement, so it is hard to conclude the success of education.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
It shows how the education was important and why women were getting unfair in the society. It said women could get freedom by the equal in education. However in the resource it said " In 1970 less than 10 percent of women held professional jobs despite the large number of college educated women and in the following year president Nixon vetoed legislation that would provide women with access to national day-care, which would have aided women pursuing education" ( Boqart). Also by the Title IX of the education amendments women got the same rights as men. Therefore, we could said the education was the most important factor in the feminist movement, and by the equal in education after the feminist movement, women could get the same rights as in the society by the professional jobs with high education. So feminist movement was sucess.
Summary: In 1957, the Betty Friden did the survey in the Smith College. She realized that many of women were unhappy with their lives as housewives, so she started to do research and publish 'The Feminine Mystique' in 1963. In her book, she said women were oppressed in the society and their house because they have social expectation which mean women have role as wife and mother. She said women were limited in only wife and mother because women's education was limited; more and more women were attending to the college but after the college, they are just become mothers and housewives. Then, she realized that high education was strongly influencing women towards the role of housewives instead of pushing them to create intelligence in different fields. She concluded that education is the key of liberation because from equality in education, women can be also equal in the house and society.
Value: This source is valuable because it is base on the book that publish in 1963 that argued about the importance of education in 1960's feminist movements. It used direct quote from the book, so it makes more valuable. This resource is only focus on the role of education during the feminist movements, and how it can change the women's right in the society. Therefore, this resource would help me to figure out how education was important during the feminist movement
Limitation: because this source is not the primary resource, there is the lots of limitation that cause by bias. This resource only focus on the book publish in 1963, and made lots of argument base on author's thought. Therefore, it can have more or different reasons of the role of education in feminist movement. Also, there are no mention about how it change after the feminist movement, so it is hard to conclude the success of education.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
It shows how the education was important and why women were getting unfair in the society. It said women could get freedom by the equal in education. However in the resource it said " In 1970 less than 10 percent of women held professional jobs despite the large number of college educated women and in the following year president Nixon vetoed legislation that would provide women with access to national day-care, which would have aided women pursuing education" ( Boqart). Also by the Title IX of the education amendments women got the same rights as men. Therefore, we could said the education was the most important factor in the feminist movement, and by the equal in education after the feminist movement, women could get the same rights as in the society by the professional jobs with high education. So feminist movement was sucess.
2012년 4월 20일 금요일
Picture during the feminist movement
Origin: Hall, Sheri. "Cornell Chronicle: College Celebrates 40 Years as Human Ecology." Cornell Chronicle Online. Cornell University, 1960. Web. 20 Apr. 2012.<http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/April09/HumEc.name.sh.html>.
Summary: This is the picture of the college in 1960s. They are doing kinds of school meeting in the school, and we can see the lots of women than men. They are the faculty, member or the student of the college.
Value: This source is very valuable because this photo taken at the period that feminist movement had occurred which called by the primary resource. This photo can be the evidence that the education for the women become increased as men. Most of women could be the member of the college and join to the meeting because they got high education as men and can communicate about the hard problems with men.
Limitation: because this is the just one piece of the picture, there are some limitation to show how other places look like. Photographer could take the picture the school that had lots of women members compare to other school. Therefore, we could not confirm that the women got fair education in every places such as high school and social just from the picture that took in one college.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
When we just see this picture, the feminist movement was very success for women's education. Before the feminist movement, women only could stay in their house, and can not get the education as men. However, more than half of the school faculty members are women in this pictures, this mean they could become the faculty members of the college because they got high education as women, and they have high knowledge to teach other people. Therefore, women could get high education as men, and can same social levels as men in the society from the feminist movement.
2012년 4월 19일 목요일
Argentina's education
Origin: Mercer, Marilyn. "Feminism in Argentina." Center for Digital Discourse and Culture. KRISTIN SWITALA, 1998. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <http://www.cddc.vt.edu/feminism/arg.html>.
Summary: purpose of this resource is telling why women did feminist movement in Argentina. It also shows how women's lives looked like before the feminist movement and how they changed after the feminist movements. Most of the Argentine upper class did not consider about the lower class' education or literacy especially for women population. However, they want women learn how to behave in a proper and rational way. Upper class thought Church should teach women to live proper life. Argentina's feminist movement was way faster than United States. Beginning in the 1860s, to developed their country Argentine government aggressively encouraged immigration. During this movement, many smart and skilled people came to the Argentina, and those smart people who got proper education argued for the equal rights for the women and feminist issues. By the resource " In Argentina feminism was largely an immigrant movement, and one closely allied to the Socialist party" ( feminism). Therefore in 1905, few women could go to university and graduate. More women went to the university in 1980s. The immigrants movement, and few women who went to university in 1905 contribute the educational independence for women. Because of this improve in educational, women could be equal as men, because they could get intellectual power and social independence.
Value: This source is very valuable because this source is about the other country rather than the United States. Argentina is one of the country in the Latin America, and this resource shows the feminist movement happened not only in the United States, but also in the South America. From this resource not United States was the country that had fastest feminist movement, compare to past resource Argentina had fastest feminist movements, and it gave lots of affect to the United States. Because I could compare the one of Latin America country and United States, I could learn how the feminist movement was different in other country.
Limitation: This resource is only focus on the Argentina, therefore I cannot say that every other country in Latin America had same feminist movement as Argentina. Also because this is not the primary resource, it could has some bias things. For example, there were more factors that gave educational rights to women other than the immigrants, and may be women didn't get full educational rights.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
Summary: purpose of this resource is telling why women did feminist movement in Argentina. It also shows how women's lives looked like before the feminist movement and how they changed after the feminist movements. Most of the Argentine upper class did not consider about the lower class' education or literacy especially for women population. However, they want women learn how to behave in a proper and rational way. Upper class thought Church should teach women to live proper life. Argentina's feminist movement was way faster than United States. Beginning in the 1860s, to developed their country Argentine government aggressively encouraged immigration. During this movement, many smart and skilled people came to the Argentina, and those smart people who got proper education argued for the equal rights for the women and feminist issues. By the resource " In Argentina feminism was largely an immigrant movement, and one closely allied to the Socialist party" ( feminism). Therefore in 1905, few women could go to university and graduate. More women went to the university in 1980s. The immigrants movement, and few women who went to university in 1905 contribute the educational independence for women. Because of this improve in educational, women could be equal as men, because they could get intellectual power and social independence.
Value: This source is very valuable because this source is about the other country rather than the United States. Argentina is one of the country in the Latin America, and this resource shows the feminist movement happened not only in the United States, but also in the South America. From this resource not United States was the country that had fastest feminist movement, compare to past resource Argentina had fastest feminist movements, and it gave lots of affect to the United States. Because I could compare the one of Latin America country and United States, I could learn how the feminist movement was different in other country.
Limitation: This resource is only focus on the Argentina, therefore I cannot say that every other country in Latin America had same feminist movement as Argentina. Also because this is not the primary resource, it could has some bias things. For example, there were more factors that gave educational rights to women other than the immigrants, and may be women didn't get full educational rights.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
tThe feminist movement in Argentina was very success because before the feminist movement, men think women should not get education, and they just have to learn the proper behave. Because lots of intelligent people came to Argentina by the immigration, and they argued for the women's rights, Argentina could get women's rights much faster than other countries. The rate of the women who got in to college increased a lot compare to the beginning of the feminist movement in 1980s. This shows that how Argentina;s feminist movement was success. Also support that the feminist movement was happened very widely in every other different countries.
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2012년 4월 12일 목요일
9th of education Amendment
Origins : "NWHM Exhibit: The History of Women and Education." National Women's History Museu
Summary: In 1980, women attending college became equal numbers to men. In the past, people think that women could have right to learn education like in society. Only few lucky women could take education, but their educations were awful. However, the 9 of the education Amendment of 1972 states that " No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" (nwhm) Thinks Amendment prohibit the sex discrimination in the school and other educational system. Before this amendment women were not allowed to take certain courses or programs. Also in some cases they were not allowed to go same class with men. After the 9th Amendment, the rates of high school graduates of women became equal with women.
Valuable: The quote of IX of the education Amendment of 1972 made this resource very strong and valuable because this Amendment was the main event that gave freedom and equal educations. The statics also made this resource valuable. For example it said after the IX amendment the women made up 51% of college students which was higher than rates of men. Numbers and the quote from the Constitution made this resource valuable.
Limitation: This resource is secondary resource but based on the fact. There were no special opinion of author in this text. However, this resource also has few limitations. This resource only investigate the surface of the education during and after the feminist movements. This means that this resource is based on the statics that showed the rates of women's education, but did not show how they study inside of the school, and did not investigate any different between the men and women inside of the schools. Increased of rate of women in college is not means that women got equality as men in the schools. The most important factor that showed the equal between the men and women is the status of women's education inside of the class or schools.
How does it show either an achievement or failure of the feminist movement?
This resource shows that the feminist movement was success for the women's education. Because of the 9th of the education Amendment. Women didn't get discrimination by the sex in the schools. Therefore, they could graduate high schools and attended to the colleges. 51% percent of the colleges were women, and this shows how the status of women were increased in the education systems. However, we can't determine taht the feminist movement for education was success because this resource shows the statics and out views of the women education, but it is not shows that environment and segregation of the women's education at inside of the schools like the first resource that I post in the blog. To determine that the feminist movement for education was achievement or failure, I think i need more resources shows the changes of educations before the feminist movement and after feminist movement.
Summary: In 1980, women attending college became equal numbers to men. In the past, people think that women could have right to learn education like in society. Only few lucky women could take education, but their educations were awful. However, the 9 of the education Amendment of 1972 states that " No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance" (nwhm) Thinks Amendment prohibit the sex discrimination in the school and other educational system. Before this amendment women were not allowed to take certain courses or programs. Also in some cases they were not allowed to go same class with men. After the 9th Amendment, the rates of high school graduates of women became equal with women.
Valuable: The quote of IX of the education Amendment of 1972 made this resource very strong and valuable because this Amendment was the main event that gave freedom and equal educations. The statics also made this resource valuable. For example it said after the IX amendment the women made up 51% of college students which was higher than rates of men. Numbers and the quote from the Constitution made this resource valuable.
Limitation: This resource is secondary resource but based on the fact. There were no special opinion of author in this text. However, this resource also has few limitations. This resource only investigate the surface of the education during and after the feminist movements. This means that this resource is based on the statics that showed the rates of women's education, but did not show how they study inside of the school, and did not investigate any different between the men and women inside of the schools. Increased of rate of women in college is not means that women got equality as men in the schools. The most important factor that showed the equal between the men and women is the status of women's education inside of the class or schools.
How does it show either an achievement or failure of the feminist movement?
This resource shows that the feminist movement was success for the women's education. Because of the 9th of the education Amendment. Women didn't get discrimination by the sex in the schools. Therefore, they could graduate high schools and attended to the colleges. 51% percent of the colleges were women, and this shows how the status of women were increased in the education systems. However, we can't determine taht the feminist movement for education was success because this resource shows the statics and out views of the women education, but it is not shows that environment and segregation of the women's education at inside of the schools like the first resource that I post in the blog. To determine that the feminist movement for education was achievement or failure, I think i need more resources shows the changes of educations before the feminist movement and after feminist movement.
After Feminist movement....Current education.
Origins: "Feminism and Education." History Learning Site. Histork Learning. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/feminism_education.htm>.
Summary: Every women thought society was dominated by the men and also the society was based on conflict between the sexes. One of the reason that made women to think complex was an education. Most of women didn't have education when they young, and even women got education, they had very lower education than men did. In 1920s and 1930s women succeeded to get the freedom of voting rights. Also from the feminist movement between 1960s and 1970s, they could get lots of rights in the society in home. They could study as men in same class in school. However, they are still segregate with men in the school. For example Food Technology would be aimed at females and it teach students the role of females are doing housework and cooking. Also, there are lots of female teachers in the school, but senior positions are dominated by men. In the history, from lots of movement such as voting rights, women shows people that they can success by themselves like men. Today, women and men look very equal, however, they are still segregation between the men and women especially in the school.
Value: Even this resource is secondary resource, it is very valuable because there are lots of evident that can support his opinions. He supports his idea based on the current situation in the school and the past history events. Because he mentioned lots of historical events and current situation in the school, I could trust the author even it is secondary resource.
Limitation: because this is the secondary resource, there are lots of bias in the resource. Author is arguing that women are still segregate and not equal with men in educations. To support his idea, he gave the example of real situation in current school. However, the Food Technology etc is not enough to support his idea. He argued that women are disadvantage of women, but today most of women thinks that they are very equal with men in the schools because they are getting same education and sports in same class in same schools.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
Summary: Every women thought society was dominated by the men and also the society was based on conflict between the sexes. One of the reason that made women to think complex was an education. Most of women didn't have education when they young, and even women got education, they had very lower education than men did. In 1920s and 1930s women succeeded to get the freedom of voting rights. Also from the feminist movement between 1960s and 1970s, they could get lots of rights in the society in home. They could study as men in same class in school. However, they are still segregate with men in the school. For example Food Technology would be aimed at females and it teach students the role of females are doing housework and cooking. Also, there are lots of female teachers in the school, but senior positions are dominated by men. In the history, from lots of movement such as voting rights, women shows people that they can success by themselves like men. Today, women and men look very equal, however, they are still segregation between the men and women especially in the school.
Value: Even this resource is secondary resource, it is very valuable because there are lots of evident that can support his opinions. He supports his idea based on the current situation in the school and the past history events. Because he mentioned lots of historical events and current situation in the school, I could trust the author even it is secondary resource.
Limitation: because this is the secondary resource, there are lots of bias in the resource. Author is arguing that women are still segregate and not equal with men in educations. To support his idea, he gave the example of real situation in current school. However, the Food Technology etc is not enough to support his idea. He argued that women are disadvantage of women, but today most of women thinks that they are very equal with men in the schools because they are getting same education and sports in same class in same schools.
How does it show either an achievement of failure of the feminist movement?
Fro The feminist movement between 1960s and 1970s brought lots of advantages for women. They could get wider jobs choice then before, and also they could get education as women. However, when we see the current situation in the school today. The feminist movement was not very achievement, especially in the educations. There are lots of bias in the today texts book, many young students in the school thinks that the role of females are doing house work and cooking from the study in the school. Also when men are playing harsh sports such as American football and base balls , women are playing field hockey and soft balls. Just because they are women, they could not play American football and base balls in the schools, and when they image the women, they thinks mom and person who works for the house rather than works for the society and country.
From the feminist movements women got lots of advantages but there are still lots of non-equality and segregation in schools today. Therefore, feminist movement between 1960 and 1970s was not very successful than people thought.
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